Departmental Graduate Associations (DGAs)
About the DGAs
The GSA provides a strong foundation for our members and community by offering valued services and programs that support and empower graduate students during and after their academic endeavors. We create an environment built on fiscal sustainability, social engagement, and effective representation.
We are here to enhance the experience of all grad students, and one of the ways in which we do this is by encouraging engagement by facilitating Departmental Graduate Associations (DGAs).
Questions about running your DGA or other processes? Email the GSA Governance & Services Coordinator at
Run Your DGA
The GSA offers funding and event support to your DGA so that your DGA can host events, offer programs and services, and represent your graduate students on different levels within the University of Calgary. Below is an overview of financial funding and event support provided by the GSA. Please find more information about DGA funding and support HERE.
University of Calgary guidelines and processes for hosting in-person events can be found HERE.
$300+ Operational Bursary
Fill out the DGA Change of Information Form annually and receive an Operational Bursary (for pre-existing DGAs: $300 base amount + additional funding based on department registration numbers)
Deadline: October 15
Event Grant
NEW! Up to $1,000 per year
DGA Event Grants are processed at the same time as your Operational Bursary. DGAs will receive $500 at the beginning of the Fall term and an additional $500 for the Winter term upon submission of a Fall Events Report. Please note that Event Submission Forms still need to be submitted.
Deadline: October 15
Event Support
Fill out the Event Submission Form to request any non-monetary event support from the GSA including equipment rental, insurance information, and promotional items.
You must submit your request at least 4 weeks prior to the event date. Visit the Event Forms and Resources page for more details on GSA’s event support.
Other resources
Graduate Representative Council (GRC)
Each DGA is required to appoint GRC Representatives to GRC meetings. The number of GRC Representatives are dependent on the number of graduate students actively enrolled in the program or to be referred as Active Members as defined by the GSA Bylaws.
For more information about the Graduate Representative Council, please visit the GRC web page here.
Start A DGA
Each DGA is required to appoint GRC Representatives to GRC meetings. The number of GRC Representatives are dependent on the number of graduate students actively enrolled in the program or to be referred as Active Members as defined by the GSA Bylaws.
For more information about the Graduate Representative Council, please visit the GRC web page here.
Start a Consortium
Run a Consortium
Event Grant & Event Support
List of Registered Departmental Graduate Associations
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology DGA (BMBDGA) –Biochemistry and Molecular Biology–Cumming School of Medicine
- Biological Sciences Graduate Students’ Association (BGSA)— Biological Sciences–Science
- Biomedical Engineering GSA (BMEG)— Biomedical Engineering–Schulich School of Engineering
- Biomedical Technology GSA (BTGSA)— Biomedical Technology—Cumming School of Medicine
- Cardiovascular Respiratory Students Association (CRSA)– Physiology and Pharmacology–Cumming School of Medicine
- Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Graduate Students’ Association (CPEGA)–Chemical and Petroleum Engineering–Schulich School of Engineering
- Chemistry Graduate Student Association (CGSA)— Chemistry–Science
- Civil Engineering Graduate Society (CEGS)— Civil Engineering–Schulich School of Engineering
- Classics and Religion DGA (CLARE)– Classics and Religion–Arts
- Communication Media and Film DGA (CMFDGA)— Communication Media and Film–Arts
- Community Health Sciences Student Executive (CHSSE)— Community Health Sciences–Cumming School of Medicine
- Computational Media Design Students Association (CMDSA)– Computational Media Design–Science
- Computer Science Graduate Society (CSGS)— Computer Science–Science
- Council of Foothills (CFD) Consortium –Cumming School of Medicine
- Doctoral Association for Students of Haskayne (DASH)– Haskayne School of Business
- Economics Graduate Association–Economics– Arts
- Electrical and Computer Engineering GSA (ECEG)— Electrical and Computer Engineering–Schulich School of Engineering
- English Department Graduate Association (EDGA)— English–Arts
- Gastrointestinal Graduate Students Association (GIGSA)— Physiology and Pharmacology–Cumming School of Medicine
- Geography Graduate Students’ Association (GeoGSA)–Geography–Arts
- Geomatics Graduate Group (G3)— Geomatics Engineering–Schulich School of Engineering
- Graduate Anthropology and Archaeology Student Association (GAASA)— Anthropology and Archaeology–Arts
- Graduate Association of Geology and Geophysics Students (GAGGS)— Geoscience–Science
- Graduate Engineering Students Consortium (GESC) –Schulich School of Engineering
- Graduate Programs in Education Students Association (GPESA)— Werklund School of Education
- Graduate University of Calgary Mathematics Society (GUMS)— Mathematics and Statistics–Science
- History Graduate Students Union (HGSU)— History–Arts
- Immunology Graduate Association (IGA)— Microbiology, Immunology & Infectious Diseases–Cumming School of Medicine
- Kinesiology Graduate Students Association (KGSA)— Kinesiology Graduate Studies–Kinesiology
- Linguistics Graduate Students’ Association – A Higher Clause–School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures–Arts
- Master of Management Society (MMS)— Haskayne School of Business
- Masters of Pathologists’ Assistant GSA (MPATH GSA)– Cumming School of Medicine
- Masters of Public Policy Students Association (MPPSA)— School of Public Policy–Graduate Studies
- Haskayne MBA Society–Haskayne School of Business
- Mechanical Engineering Graduate Students’ Association (MEGSA)— Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering–Schulich School of Engineering
- Medical Science Graduate Student Association (MDSC-SA)— Graduate Science Education–Cumming School of Medicine
- Microbiology & Infectious Diseases GSA (MID DGA)— Microbiology, Immunology & Infectious Diseases–Cumming School of Medicine
- Neuroscience Hotchkiss Brain Institute Trainee Organization (HBITO)— Neuroscience–Science
- Nursing Graduate Students’ Association–Nursing
- Philosophy Graduate Students’ Association–Philosophy–Arts
- Physics & Astronomy Dep Grad Association (PHAS DGA)— Physics & Astronomy–Science
- Political Science Graduate Student Association (PSGSA)— Political Science–Arts
- Psychology Graduate Students Association (PGSA)— Psychology–Arts
- School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPLSA) (formerly EVDSSA)– School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
- School of Creative and Performing Arts Graduate Society (SCPAGS)— School of Creative and Performing Arts–Arts
- Sociology Graduate Students’ Caucus (SGSC)— Sociology–Arts
- Strategic Studies Students Consortium (S3C)— Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies–Arts
- Sustainable Energy Development (SEDV)— Haskayne School of Business
- Veterinary Medicine Grad Students Association (VMGSA)— Veterinary Medicine
- Vox Condiscipulum (French, Italian, Spanish)— School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures–Arts
- Graduate Representative Council (GRC)