Event Resources
The GSA is pleased to provide DGAs, GSGs, and consortium with event support. Fill out the Event Submission Form (below) to formally request GSA support for an event.
Current University Guidelines for on-campus events can be found HERE and steps HERE.
Your DGA/GSG can book rooms/tables/green spaces on campus directly through the UCalgary Accommodations & Events (UCAE) website HERE.
Available GSA support for an event that you can request using the Event Submission Form (availability may vary/some items unavailable in 2022):
- Event insurance information
- Equipment rental
- GSA promotional items
- LDL coupons
- Booking of That Grad Space
- Event Grants
What you will find in the Events Handbook:
- General steps of event planning including risk management, promotions, execution, and evaluation;
- Details of available event support;
- Advice and requirements for special events including off-campus events, with alcohol consumption, field trips, pet therapy, etc;
- Resources for venue booking, transportation, and booking equipment.
Event Submission Form
This form is intended for any GSA Student Groups (DGAs, GSGs, or Consortium) to request event support and/or the Event Grant. (Manual form is available underneath, if needed).
NOTE: Please submit the form at least 4 weeks prior to the event date. The GSA shall follow up with the request in 2-5 business days with further instructions. Your event may require extra insurance coverage and may need approval from the University, so additional time will be needed to process requests.
Book classrooms/tables/green spaces directly through UCalgary Accommodations & Events (UCAE).
Sometimes, the GSA web site might experience unexpected problems with our embedded forms. If you are unable to submit the form above, please copy the manual form underneath to an email's body, fill out the requested information, and email the completed form to events.gsa@ucalgary.ca and governance.gsa@ucalgary.ca with the budget document attached.
Subject line: GSA Event Submission Form
Student Group name:
Email of President*:
Event Organizer's name:
Contact email address:
UCID Number:
Phone Number:
Name of any other Organizers:
Event Information
Event Name:
Event Date:
Event Time:
Event Location:
Event Descriptions:
Event Budget: [please attach in the email]
Targeted audience:
Estimated attendance:
Will there be alcohol served at the event? Yes/No
Will your event be held outdoors? Yes/No
Will your event be held over more than one day? Yes/No
Will you be receiving sponsorship for the event? Yes/No
Which event support from the GSA would you like to request? (choose/highlight all that apply)
Equipment Rental (see DGA/GSG Handbook for available items) and GSA promotional items / None
Other details to the request (if applicable - please also detail appropriate safety protocols that will be followed):
Have you submitted a Change of Information form for the current year?: Yes/No
I understand that (please read):
1. The Graduate Students’ Association of University of Calgary holds a Commercial General Liability policy with The Co-operators. This policy protects the organization, it’s members, and volunteers in the event of occurrences where responsibility for Bodily Injury or Property Damage is alleged.
2. In some scenarios, additional liability coverage will need to be purchased, in order to supplement the existing Commercial General Liability policy. This additional liability may be “written-in” to the base policy, or a “standalone” supplemental policy may be required. For events including the consumption of alcohol, additional license and insurance are required. Proof must be supplied to admin.gsa@ucalgary.ca prior to event approval. See DGA/GSG Handbook for more details about insurance coverage.
3. Details of event sponsor(s) and amount of sponsorship must be submitted to admin.gsa@ucalgary.ca prior to event approval.
4. To receive Event Grant, after the completion of the approved event, the After Event Report form must be filled out with all event receipts attached. If insurance is required for your event, documentation will need to be provided.
By emailing this form to the GSA, I can confirm that all information listed above is accurate and true.