August 5, 2022

Who are on your 2022-23 Senior Leadership Team?

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The GSA has 8 committees and 4 subcommittees that work diligently to carry out initiatives and host events to improve the graduate student experience at the University of Calgary. The Chairs and Vice Chairs of these committees and subcommittees together with the Board of Directors, Chief Returning Officer, GRC Speaker, GRC Clerk, AVP Labour, and GSA Executive Director make up the Senior Leadership Team which acts as an advisory body for the GSA Board of Directors.

The GSA is excited to introduce this year’s Senior Leadership Team members who are committed to providing collaborative, consultative guidance for the GSA this year.

Saaka Sulemana SaakaPresident
James Steele VP Academic
Alex Cameron (AC) VP External
Masume AkbariVP Student Life
Cameron ArmstrongVP Finance and Services
Daniella Ikurusi Interim Executive Director
Keira GunnAVP Labour
Brett Nelson GRC Speaker
Quinn GoddardGRC Clerk
Tanille ShandroChief Returning Officer
Sandra Moses Sustainability Committee Chair
Balakrishnan DharmalingamSustainability Committee Vice Chair
Leah MercierAwards Committee Chair
Sai Sashank JonnalagaddaAwards Committee Vice Chair
Cabrini DelCorro Awards Committee Vice Chair
Arkendu BanerjeeAcademic Standing Committee Chair 
Amit ChaudhariAcademic Standing Committee Vice Chair
Asma BernierAcademic Standing Committee Vice Chair
Reza Hedayati MajdabadiGovernance Committee Chair 
Nneka JK-OnyekaGovernance Committee Vice Chair
Benedicta AntepimEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Chair
Neha BhatiaEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Vice Chair (Student Life)
Marcus YoungEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Vice Chair (Advocacy)
Finance Committee Chair
Sandesh KharelStudent Experience and Events Committee Chair 
Farzaneh EhtemamStudent Experience and Events Committee  Vice Chair
Colin MacKenzieMental Health and Wellness Subcommittee Chair 
Jeniffer Nicole Camacho SotoMental Health and Wellness Subcommittee Vice Chair (Student Life)
Hellen KangMental Health and Wellness Subcommittee Vice Chair (Advocacy)
Navid MaddahiNewcomer and International Students Subcommittee Chair 
Sylvia WangNewcomer and International Students Subcommittee Vice Chair
Ariel KimGender and Sexuality Alliance Subcommittee Chair  
Cassie HolmesGender and Sexuality Alliance Subcommittee Vice Chair
Jameson DundasCommunity Engagement Subcommittee Chair 
Ishara IshamCommunity Engagement Subcommittee Vice Chair
Zahra BagheriashenaEvents Subcommittee Chair 
Mohammad Reza KianifarEvents Subcommittee Vice Chair
GSA 2022-2023 Senior Leadership Team

You can learn more about our committees and subcommittees HERE:

Many of our committees and subcommittees are currently recruiting members. Don’t miss this chance to get involved in the great work the GSA and our volunteers are doing to enhance graduate student experience at UCalgary. Learn about the available positions HERE: Current GSA Volunteer Opportunities