July 23, 2021

Who are on your 2021-22 Senior Leadership Team?

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The GSA has 8 committees and 5 subcommittees that work diligently to carry out initiatives and host events to improve the graduate student experience at the University of Calgary. The Chairs and Vice Chairs of these committees and subcommittees together with the Board of Directors, Chief Returning Officer, GRC Speaker, GRC Clerk, AVP Labour, and GSA Executive Director make up the Senior Leadership Team which acts as an advisory body for the GSA Board of Directors.

The GSA is excited to introduce this year’s Senior Leadership Team members who are committed to providing collaborative, consultative guidance for the GSA this year.

Tanille Shandro President
Alex Paquette VP Academic
Kirsten Neprily VP External
Kabita BaralVP Student Life
Mary ZhangVP Finance and Services
Danielle Abbott Executive Director
Keira GunnAVP Labour
Brett Nelson GRC Speaker
Catherine Swytink-BinnemaGRC Clerk
Kristina MillerChief Returning Officer
Daniel Mogollon Sustainability Committee Chair
Sangwook (Micky) AhnSustainability Committee Vice Chair
Breni SharmaAwards Committee Chair
Leah MercierAwards Committee Vice Chair
Liam Connors Awards Committee Vice Chair
Suzie (Sukyoung) Lee Academic Standing Committee Chair 
Harrison CampbellAcademic Standing Committee Vice Chair
Masoomeh FaghihiniaAcademic Standing Committee Vice Chair
Saaka SulemanaGovernance Committee Chair 
Ali EmaniehGovernance Committee Vice Chair
Evangelina NatynczykEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Chair
Meghdad GhiasEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Vice Chair (Student Life)
Emily WuerchEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee Vice Chair (Advocacy)
Mahnaz BooshehrianFinance Committee Chair
Kayla DiasStudent Experience and Events Committee Chair 
Masume Akbari Student Experience and Events Committee  Vice Chair
Ainsley SmithMental Health and Wellness Subcommittee Chair 
Sane du PlessisMental Health and Wellness Subcommittee Vice Chair (Student Life)
John Gabriel CabayaoMental Health and Wellness Subcommittee Vice Chair (Advocacy)
Nishi PatelNewcomer and International Students Subcommittee Chair 
Ling LeiNewcomer and International Students Subcommittee Vice Chair
Danica ChangGender and Sexuality Alliance Subcommittee Chair  
Moonkyung Min Gender and Sexuality Alliance Subcommittee Vice Chair
Jameson DundasCommunity Engagement Subcommittee Chair 
Ishara IshamCommunity Engagement Subcommittee Vice Chair
Mohak ManiarEvents Subcommittee Chair 
Shrushti Shah Events Subcommittee Vice Chair
GSA 2020-2021 Senior Leadership Team

You can learn more about our committees and subcommittees HERE: https://gsa.ucalgary.ca/services/gsacommittees/

Many of our committees and subcommittees are currently recruiting members. Don’t miss this chance to get involved in the great work the GSA and our volunteers are doing to enhance graduate student experience at UCalgary. Learn about the available positions HERE: Current GSA Volunteer Opportunities