April 26, 2021

New Permanent Residency Pathway for Recent International Student Graduates

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The Government of Canada announced a new pathway to permanent residency for recent international student graduates. International students who graduated between January 1, 2017 – May 5, 2021 can apply on May 6, 2021 for a new pathway to permanent residency that will accept the first 40,000 eligible applicants.

Application opens May 6, 2021 through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), and will end on either November 5, 2021, or until the limit has been reached.


  1. Have completed, between January 1, 2017 and May 5, 2021, a program of study at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI), where a degree was issued on completion of a program of at least 8 months in duration.
  2. Had been authorized to study throughout their education in Canada.
  3. Are employed in Canada with a valid permit to work at the time the application for permanent residence is received, and must not be self-employed, unless working as a medical doctor in a fee-for-service arrangement with a health authority.
  4. Have attained a level of proficiency of at least benchmark 5 in either official language for each of the four language skill areas. The evaluation must be less than two (2) years old when the permanent residence application is received.
  5. Reside in Canada with valid temporary residence status (or be eligible to restore their status) and be physically present in Canada at the time the application for permanent residence is received and when the application is approved.
  6. Intend to reside in a province or territory other than Quebec
  7. Submit documentation to provide all proof necessary to satisfy an officer that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements of this public policy, except for evidence required to demonstrate physical presence in Canada at the time of application approval
  8. Have submitted their application for permanent residence under this public policy using electronic means, with exceptions for those who cannot submit electronically due to a disability

The GSA strongly supports any current and former international graduate students in obtaining their permanent residency in Canada. International graduate students contribute significant value to Canada’s diversity, culture, and economy, and we hope this new Permanent Residence pathway is a positive step forward for our international graduate students to stay in Canada after their studies. 

Government of Canada News Release: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2021/04/new-pathway-to-permanent-residency-for-over-90000-essential-temporary-workers-and-international-graduates.html

Public Policy: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/mandate/policies-operational-instructions-agreements/public-policies/trpr-international-graduates.html

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