Professional Development Grant
The Collective Agreement is a document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of graduate assistants and their employers. The GSA negotiates with the University on behalf of UCalgary graduate students to make sure that the agreement is fair.

Questions or Concerns?
If you have questions regarding the Collective Agreement, faculty, staff, and departments should contact and students should contact
To learn more about this agreement, please view the documentation at:
Contact Us

Your Graduate Labour Union
The Graduate Labour Union Committee (GLUC, former Labour Relations Committee), chaired by the GSA AVP Labour, exists to carry out the trade union functions of the GSA. GLUC represents, supports, and educates Academically Employed Graduate Students at the University of Calgary. This includes but is not limited to collective agreement negotiations, the handling of disputes with employers, and advocating for a high standard of graduate student employment.
Visit Graduate Labour Union Website
Tips for Academically Employed Graduate Students
- Are You Working Alone? Learn how to protect yourself HERE
- Need help tracking your work hours? Clockify is a free tool that records your hours for whatever projects you are working on
Frequently Asked Questions
The responses to the frequently asked questions below are paraphrased excerpts from the Collective Agreement. Please refer to the Collective Agreement for the specific language. Any questions? Email