Policy Library
Welcome to the GSA Policy Library!
The policy library is composed of GSA policy asks and professional research papers done by the GSA to support these policies. These policies will provide the foundation for and guide the GSA’s advocacy efforts to the University and all levels of government.
The Policy Library was created to address a call to action in the GSA's strategic plan: more institutionalized and transparent advocacy. These policies and research papers are intended to create a data-driven framework for the organization's advocacy, as well as allow members to see how issues are being framed to governments and stakeholders. The library is currently maintained by the Advocacy Team- the President, Vice-President External, and Advocacy Advisor, with assistance by the Executive Director and Marketing and Communications Coordinator.
UCGSA Submission to the Standing Committee on Science and Research: Capstone Project
The 2024 Federal Budget created the “Capstone Research Organization” to strengthen Canada’s research and scientific competitiveness. The Standing Committee on Science and Research (SRSR) is reviewing its structure, mandate, and makeup. To support this process, the University of Calgary Graduate Students’ Association submitted recommendations for the organization, explaining how empowering graduate students benefits all Canadians.
2025 Pre-budget submission - UCalgary GSA, UCalgary SU & SAMRU
The University of Calgary Graduate Students' Association, University of Calgary Students' Union, and Students' Association of Mount Royal University jointly created this budget submission as part of the provincial budgetary cycle
UCGSA.01 Provincial Funding for Post-Secondary
UCGSA.02 Alberta Graduate Students Travel Incentive
UCGSA.03 Financial Aid and Student Loans
Student financial aid refers to program typically run by governments or post secondary institutions that provide targeted assistance to students of low economic means. Financial aid programs are intended to take only income levels into account when determining who can and cannot access financial aid: students whose household income is low enough that they cannot afford tuition, or who may be at risk of fqalling into poverty because of education-related expenses would automatically qualify for student aid in most Canadian jurisdictions.