August 5, 2020

July 2020 Advocacy Updates

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As your graduate student representatives, the GSA Board of Directors and the Research and Advocacy Analyst worked on many advocacy priorities to the best interest of UCalgary graduate students. If you have any questions or concerns, please email

August 5, 2020

The GSA’s July 2020 advocacy efforts were focused on pushing municipal and provincial priorities. Our advocacy efforts paid off in small and big wins. Municipally, a key advocacy win was securing discounted transit tickets for graduate students beginning August 4. Provincially, a key advocacy win was securing student-led representation on a consultation panel for the Alberta 2030, a review of post-secondary education in Alberta. This will ensure that student voice is meaningfully captured in shaping the future of post-secondary education in Alberta. Read more about our advocacy efforts below:

At the Federal Level

At the Provincial Level

  • Successfully negotiated with other graduate associations through ab-GPAC to secure student-lead representation on a soon-to-formed consultation panel for the Alberta 2030 (a review of Alberta’s post-secondary sector). Our GSA will be proactively involved in abGPAC’s work of voicing graduate students’ priorities and concerns, and to ensure our voice is heard at the consultation table.

At the Municipal Level

  • ADVOCACY WIN As a direct result of GSA advocacy efforts, students can purchase transit ticket booklets at a 40% discount beginning Aug. 4.
  • Continued advocacy to City Councillors to advocate for alternatives to the UPASS either through flexibility to the low-income transit pass for students through The City of Calgary’s Fair Entry Program or other alternatives to ensure students who will have to commute to campus in Fall 2020 can do so at a reasonable cost. Read the letter that has been sent to all City Councillors outlining concerns and proposed solutions. 

NOTE: The Fair Entry Program eligibility is based on income. The portion of your graduate income that is reflected in a T4 or Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency will help determine your income eligibility. If you live with a partner or within a household, the household income will help determine your income eligibility. Find out if you qualify here.  

How you can help

You can contribute to our advocacy efforts by contacting your respective City Councillors. Find your City Councillor here. Let your City Councillor know:

  • How the UPass cancellation is negatively impacting you as a student and a resident of Calgary;
  • Ask your City Councillor to work with City Transit to offer a subsidized transit for Fall 2020 either by:
    • Relaxing the income eligibility definition/threshold for the Fair Entry program by looking at individual income instead of family income (this will allow more students to quality for the low-income pass); or by
    • Offering the adult monthly pass at a reduced rate for students during the Fall semester

At the University Level

  • Continued advocacy for adequate students’ supports and clearer communication to students on Fall 2020 plans. Examples of small wins resulting from our advocacy:
    • Signs in University Parking lots highlighting the parking fee reinstatement
    • Improved communication with students living in residence about upcoming changes
    • FGS providing links to a variety of FAQs to improve ease of access for students
  • Advocating for increased support for students to ensure their success in Fall 2020 term.
    • A large focus this month was working with Ancillary Services to outline the UPass alternatives – transit ticket booklets program implementation.

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