September 9, 2020

GSA Statement on Scholar Strike

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The University’s action plan under development by Dr. Smith, vice-provost (equity, diversity and inclusion) and Dr. Hart, vice-provost (Indigenous engagement) is an important initial step for UCalgary. We hope that Dr. Smith and Dr. Hart will provide an avenue for effective consultation with BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+ and other marginalized communities to begin to address institutional racism and oppression against these communities at UCalgary.

The GSA stands against anti-Black racism in all forms. Through training and education, we are working to ensure that the GSA is a welcoming space for all graduate students and can be counted on to stand with our members to break down systemic oppression in our community. Anti-oppression of BIPOC and LGBTQ2S+ communities has become a priority for the GSA, and we are keeping the conversation going on a weekly basis to ensure that this value becomes ingrained in the organization.On September 9 and 10, a Scholar Strike is planned across Canada to protest anti-Black, racist and colonial police brutality in the U.S., Canada and elsewhere. In their call to action, Scholar Strike Canada has presented a number of ways that academics can act in support of this initiative. The GSA team will take part in viewing the public digital teach-ins at over these two days and we encourage our members to consider how they too can engage with this protest.

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