Discounted Tickets
The GSA offers discounted tickets to current graduate students for local attractions and events. Most tickets are physical and required pickup from the GSA Office on the 10th floor of the Earth Sciences building. Please read the instructions carefully before purchasing the tickets.

Discounted Tickets
Discounts for UCalgary Students
Frequently Asked Questions
A. Some of our external vendors can only provide us with bulk physical tickets. Unfortunately, the only way we can distribute these tickets to students is to have them be picked up at our office
A. No. The GSA receipt only indicates your purchase through our site and will not provide you with admission to the venue. Please do not bring your GSA receipt to any place you’ve purchased discounted tickets for, and make sure to bring the appropriate tickets.
A. No. Unless told otherwise, all GSA tickets are ‘valid tickets’ and therefore no further proof or validation is required to enter a venue, other than the ticket itself.
A. No. The GSA services ACTIVE graduate students. This means that we can only sell tickets to Masters and PhD students. U of C Alumni get benefits through the Alumni office. Please refer to their website here: Alumni | University of Calgary (
A. Restocking of tickets/event is not always possible, unfortunately. Due to budgetary reasons, vendor capacity or availability, only a limited amount of tickets and/or spots can be reserved.
A. Because not every venue requires tickets to be surrendered when being admitted, there is no way to confirm that the ticket was used. If the ticket has been picked up from our offices, no refund will be accepted.
A. Sometimes very limited amounts of tickets can become available as students are forced to change their plans. Being on the waitlist automatically notifies you if any tickets become available, but they can only be purchased on a first come, first served basis.
A. No. The GSA purchases large amounts of tickets on behalf of students. We resell these tickets at an even further discount than the group rate offered by the venue. Unfortunately, we also limit the amount of tickets you're able to purchase in order to provide for as big a number of graduate students as possible.