August 17, 2021

New COVID-19 safety measures announced for Fall 2021

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Advocacy win!  

As of today, August 17, 2021, the University of Calgary in collaboration with the U of A and U of L have released new safety measures for the return to campus in Fall 2021.

The GSA is pleased to see the extended health and safety measures for campus including rapid testing or vaccination and masks when in doors.  

These new restrictions closely align with student health and safety priorities as you have specified in our most recent Return to Campus survey that 801 graduate students have participated: 

  • 79% believe that everyone on campus should be fully vaccinated 
  • 78.03% in favour of mandatory mask measures  
  • 89% think that students should remain at home if tested positive for COVID-19 
  • 97% think that COVID-19 testing should be available to all students 

These restrictions also align with TA-specific priorities of respondents to the Labour Relations Committee’s Covid Safety Reassessment Survey: 92% of respondents indicated they want significantly increased safety measures in their classrooms (73% requested a mandatory mask mandate and 68% requested a vaccination mandate). 

Thank you to all graduate students who completed the GSA Return to Campus surveys, your opinion matters, and your voice was heard! 

Survey Recap: 

801 graduate students completed the second Return to Campus survey from the GSA that was launched on August 12, 2021. The survey’s results captured an overwhelming ask from graduate students for enhanced safety and health measures for COVID-19 at the University of Calgary’s campuses in Fall 2021. See below for details. 


89% of respondents indicated that they are fully vaccinated with 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines or one single dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine. 

79% believe that everyone on campus should be fully vaccinated. 

71% believe that the University of Calgary should have a mandatory vaccination policy. 


78.03% in favour of mandatory mask measures. 13.22% think that masks should be worn at all times on campus, 49% think that masks should be worn at all times on campus when indoors 


89% think that students should remain at home if tested positive for COVID-19. 

90% believe that the University should continue to contact trace. 

97% think that COVID-19 testing should be available to all students. 

94% will participate in testing if it’s available to them. 


44% will participate in in-person classes or courses on campus this fall.

Out of 801 responses, 221 will have a teaching assistantship this fall, accounted for 27.59%. 

75% believe that professors should have the option to teach their courses online versus in person. 57% is extremely satisfied or satisfied if a professor chooses to teach their course online versus in person while 30% is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied this statement. 

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