July 8, 2024

Advocacy Updates – A Recap from March, April, and May

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The GSA remains committed to advocating for the needs and interest of graduate students. Over the last couple of months, the GSA has made significant strides in its advocacy efforts. Below is a detailed recap of our activities and achievements:

March and April: Setting the stage

Meeting with the Calgary Chamber of Commerce: On March 7, we met with the Calgary Chamber of Commerce, alongside our advocacy partner, the UCalgary Students’ Union. This meeting was pivotal in aligning the advocacy priorities of the Calgary business community with those of the student population. Key issues discussed included:

  • Stable operating funding for post-secondary institutions
  • Increased research grant funding
  • Student housing
  • Expanding post-secondary spaces in downtown Calgary
  • Addressing Canada’s stagnant productivity growth

Food and Housing Survey: In response to growing concerns about food and housing insecurity on campus, we released a comprehensive survey to assess the situation. The findings were significant enough to garner attention from the Gauntlet, which interviewed AC (former VP External) on the matter.

CASA AGM in Edmonton: During CASA’s Annual General Meeting in Edmonton, we finalized critical committee work, including the co-authored white paper “Investing in Innovators” with CASA’s Research and Policy staff.

April 22 – City Council Zoning Vote: We collaborated with the Students’ Union (SU) to mobilize student bodies for the April 22, 2024 City Council vote on zoning regulations. Our goal was to shift the default property use regulation from “single family zoning” to “high density” zoning, to facilitate the development of inclusive housing. We stood in solidarity with the SU at their rally, and the inclusive zoning changes were successfully passed.

Meeting with Canadian Centre for Housing Rights (CCHR): We had a meeting with the CCHR regarding our white paper “Soften the Blow.” They are interested in having us present at the Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness (ECOHH) and are exploring a joint GSA/SU/CCHR roundtable to discuss student housing.

Provincial Affairs Statements We issued several statements on provincial affairs:

  • A critique of Bill 18, the Provincial Priorities Act, highlighting its potential negative impact on graduate research and funding.
  • A response to the 2024 Provincial Budget, pointing out its shortcomings compared to our budget submission and reiterating our opposition to Bill 18.
  • A joint open letter with the University of Alberta GSA, calling on the Premier to rescind Bill 18, which was picked up by various media outlets, including the CBC.

May: Strengthening Our Advocacy

CASA Foundations in Ottawa: GSA President Saaka Sulemana Saaka and the GSA VP External Hunter Yaworski attended CASA Foundations in Ottawa, where initial priorities for the year were discussed and committee assignments finalized. The GSA secured seats on both the Federal Policy Committee and the Graduate Advisory Committee.

Press Conference with the NDP: Outgoing VP External AC Cameron, incoming President Saaka and Hunter participated in a joint press conference with the NDP, reiterating our call for the Premier to rescind Bill 18. We remain vigilant, pushing for carve-outs for Tri-Council funding while voicing our concerns over the lack of consultation on this Bill.

Condemning Police Action on Campus: Following the police action on May 9, 2024, we released a statement condemning the decision. We’ve been collaborating with the SU, concerned BoG/Senate members, and community members to gather more information about the incident. Our stance is clear: while we do not take sides in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, we have serious concerns about the university’s procedural decisions and the harm inflicted on students during the police raid. We believe a police response was unwarranted given the size and actions of the encampment and are committed to holding university decision-makers accountable.

TFCC Process Initiation The TFCC process has officially begun, marking another significant step in our ongoing advocacy efforts.

The GSA remains committed to these initiatives and looks forward to continuing our advocacy work throughout the summer. Stay tuned for more updates.

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