April 14, 2020

What’s happening at the advocacy table? Student support during COVID-19 (April 2020)

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As your graduate student representatives, the GSA Board of Directors and the Research and Advocacy Analyst worked on many advocacy priorities to the best interest of UCalgary graduate students. Have a look below at the GSA’s advocacy work for March 2020. If you have any questions or concerns, please email askgsa@ucalgary.ca.

This blog will be updated as more information becomes available.

(Updated April 14, 2020)

At the Federal Level:

  • What we did: Social Insurance Number renewal process update inquiry given longer processing timelines, as this might impact international students
    • The response: If your SIN number will be expiring soon and you need to apply for a renewal, please note that the Federal government is still accepting SIN applications but will no longer be accepting them at our in person Service Canada Centres. The government requests that people refrain from applying for a SIN at this time, if non-urgent. If your request is urgent, you can submit an application online effective April 15. Consult the online application guide
    • UCalgary’s response: UCalgary administration is aware of this situation, and has committed to taking in consideration additional SIN renewal delays related to COVID-19. Resolution for any situations that arise related to a delayed SIN should first be sought from the faculty level.
  • What we are doing: Advocating for greater income support for students – If you lost your job or possibility for employment due to COVID-19, and you’re not eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), know that we are advocating for expanded CERB eligibility for students. In the meantime, you can apply for the GSA Emergency Bursary. The GSA accepts Emergency Bursary applications year-round. Find out more about the GSA Emergency Bursary and other supports available to you here.

At the University Level:

  • Access to technology – if you need help with accessing technology, please contact Bill Rosehart, Dean of Schulich School of Engineering, to help you follow up on lending a computer.. Alternatively, you can apply for the GSA Emergency Bursary.

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